Pavilion of Siam

The Pavilion of Siam was located on the right bank of the river Po, just below the Ponte Isabella. The Siamese Government commissioned the building of its Pavilion in the national style "known in Siam by the name of prasad, which is only met with in royal palaces and in the ancient Brahmanic shrines" (Gerini 1).

The Pavilion was designed by two Italian architects who resided in Bangkok: Annibale Rigotti and Mario Tamagno, of the Technical Boureau of the Public Works Department of Siam. It was decorated with stucco mouldings by sculptors C. Musso and U. Miniati. G.B. Beroggio a E.D. Smeriglio were charged with the gildind, painting, and decoration of the exterior and interiors of the pavilion.

When viewed from the opposite bank of the river Po, with its triple-storied polichrome roofs, and its tapering central spire gorgeously decked with golden mouldings, culminating in front of the green hill as a background, it gives one the momentaty illusion of actually finding himelf on the shores of the Me-Nam (G.E. Gerini)

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