Architectural Structure: Work of the Italians Abroad (part of Pilonetto Complex)

Entrata ai Padiglioni degli Italiani all'Estero
Name: Work of the Italians Abroad (part of Pilonetto Complex)
Description: One can reach the exhibits of the Pilonetto by crossing the Amusement Park on the right bank of the river Po and also by crossing the temporary bridge that connects the two river banks in this remote corner of the Exposition. This area of the Exposition starts from the Exhibit of Railroad Materials and ends at the Court of Honour in front of the Pavilion of the Italian Abroad and the Pavilion of the Manufacturing Industries.
Postcards: Entrata ai Padiglioni degli Italiani all'Estero | Entrance to the Pavilions of Italians Abroad
Mostre Riun. al Pilonetto - Viale Interno | United exhibitions at Pilonetto - Internal Avenue
Gli Italiani all'Estero | Pavilion of Italians Abroad