Architectural Structure: Pavilion of Brazil

Padiglione del Brasile sulla riva destra del Po
Name: Pavilion of Brazil
Description: The large building is composed of various domed wings connected by terraces. The principal pavilion is on two floors and is, internally, rich with magnificent decorations. The general style is, overall, varied and elegant. The style approaches the modern, but in many details in blends very well with general style of the buildings of the Italian Fair. Groups of statues at the corners, both high and low; large masks hold up the poles of the flags, elegant staircases leading to the mezzanine, altogether give it an almost luxurious appearance.
Construction: 1910-1911
Size: 8,000 square meters
Style: Turinese Baroque (revival)
Places: Brazil
Postcards: Padiglione del Brasile sulla riva destra del Po | Pavilion of Brazil on the right bank of the River Po
Stato dei Lavori a fine Marzo. Padiglioni del Brasile e dell'America Latina (Uruguay, Equatore) | State of the construction site at the end of March. Pavilion of Brazil and Latin America (Uruguay, Equator)
Brasile | Pavilion of Brazil
Padiglione del Brasile sulla riva destra del Po | Pavilion of Brazil on the right bank of the river Po
Pad. del Brasile | Pavilion of Brazil
Palazzo del Brasile | Pavilion of Brazil
Site Landing Pages: Padiglione del Brasile | Pavilion of Brazil