Berrini, Nino

Name: Berrini, Nino
Gender: Male
Birth: 1880 Cuneo
Death: 1962 Cuneo
Description: Nino Berrini was a dramatist, a writer and a journalist. Pushed by his father in graduating in Law at the University of Turin, Berrini definitively followed his theatrical aspiration since 1905 when he won the Bastogi Contest (Firenze) with the comedy “Il metodo con le donne.” Few years later, he became editor of the Literary section and critic of “La Gazzetta del Popolo” in Turin, and then collaborator of “La Stampa” and “Popolo d’Italia.” During his career he wrote several theatrical pieces including "Rôndôle" (1902); "Il metodo con le donne" (1905); "L'Avvocatino Goldoni" (1907), "Il violinista" (19o8); "Il tramonto di un re" (1912), "La settimana rossa" (1916); "L'aristocrazia nera" (1917). Finally, although writing for theatre was his first profession, he also practiced public law and (between 1933-1934) he led a long campaign in favor of the Dramaturgic Labor Unions.
Places:  Cuneo