Resource: Torino Aprile Novembre 1911 | Turin April November 1911 (Postal Stamp)

Title: Turin April November 1911 / Torino Aprile Novembre 1911
Publication info: Bologna, Dr. E. Chappuis: Edmondo Chiappuis., 1910-1911
Original Mode of Expressions: Drawing: Color
Physical description:
This stamp was created by Adolfo De Karolis (or Carolis) and printed in color, on thin paper. It measures 3.5 x 5.5 cm.  It features one of the most popular images of the Exposition, replicated in numberless sizes and formats (from stamps to postcards to posters): three muscular male nudes, holding a big Italian flag. The background shows a panoramic view of Turin, the river Po, and the Dome of the iconic Mole Antonelliana. The dedicatory language reads: "Torino Aprile Novembre 1911. Esposizione Internazionale delle Industrie e del Lavoro per il 50 Anniversario della Proclamazione del Regno d'Italia."

It was printed by Edmondo Chiappuis.
Descriptive note: Stamp created and dedicated to the Exposition of Turin 1911.
Subjects: Tourism, Commercial matter, City
Holding Repository: CDC Private Collection