

World's Fairs Italian Style: The Great Expositions in Turin and their Narratives, 1860-1915 

Cristina Della Coletta

According to conventional wisdom, Italy was not an influential participant in the nationalistic and imperialistic discourses that world's fairs produced in Great Britain, France, and the U.S. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, however, Italy hosted numerous international exhibitions expounding notions of national identity, imperial expansion, and technological progress. Della Coletta demonstrates that, because of its social fragmentation and hybrid history, Italy was a site of both hegemony and subordination - an aspiring imperial power whose colonization started from within.


“Torino 1911” Project: A Contribution of a Slam-Based Survey to Extensive 3D Heritage Modeling

Filiberto Chiabrando, Cristina Della Coletta, Giulia Sammartano, Antonia Spanò, and Alessandra Spreafico

This article discusses how the use of handheld devices for rapid mapping, both image- and range-based, can help the production of suitable easy-to use and easy-navigable 3D model for documentation projects. These types of reality-based modelling could support, with their tailored integrated geometric and radiometric aspects, valorization and communication projects including virtual reconstructions, interactive navigation settings, immersive reality for dissemination purposes and to evoke past locations and events.


Hybrid 3D Models: When Geomatics Innovations Meet Extensive Built Heritage Complexes  

Filiberto Chiabrando, Giulia Sammartano, Antonia Spanò and Alessandra Spreafico

This article proposes the use of a multiscale and multisensor approach to collect and model three-dimensional (3D) data concerning wide and complex areas to obtain a variety of metric information in the same 3D archive. The analysis is a crucial part of the ‘Torino 1911’ project whose main purpose is mapping and virtually reconstructing the 1911 Great Exhibitionin Turin.


From Archive Documentation To Online 3D Model Visualization Of No Longer Existing Structures: The Turin 1911 Project 

Davide Einaudi, Alessandra Spreafico, Filiberto Chiabrando, and Cristina Della Coletta

This article documents the entire workflow, starting from archive documentation collection and digitization to 3D model creation and online dissemination, of three complexes belonging to the 1911 World’s Fair in Turin.


Towards online 3D archive of historical site site: the Turin 1911 World’s Fair

Alessandra Spreafico and Cristina Della Coletta

The present paper illustrates the first analysis related to the development of an up-to-date online platform containing original textual and graphical documentation aims to support the diffusion of a human-drive technoculture.