Resource: Torino Esposizione 1911: Monografia Illustrata edita della Direzione Generale del Touring Club Italiano | Turin Exposition 1911 (Guide)

Title: Turin Exposition 1911 / Torino Esposizione 1911: Monografia Illustrata edita della Direzione Generale del Touring Club Italiano
Author: Touring Club Italiano
Descriptive note: Italian Touring Club Guide: "Torino Esposizione 1911: Monografia Illustrata edita della Direzione Generale del Touring Club Italiano" This is the second section of the Italian Touring Club Guide. This part focuses on the general idea and settle of the Exposition, and it provides "One Day" and "Six Days" itineraries of the Fairgrounds for the visitors.
Subjects: Administrative, General Culture, Tourism
 Botanical Garden of the Royal University
 Entrance from Corso Vittorio Emanuele II and Corso Cairoli
 Exhibition of Hungarian Forestry
 Modern City
 Palace of Fashion
 Pavilion of Arts Applied to Industry including China, Japan and Persia
 Pavilion of Festivals and Concerts
 Pavilion of Hungary
 Pavilion of the City of Marseille
 Pavilion of the City of Turin
 Pavilion of the Telegraph and Postal Services Ministry
 Post and Telegraph Office
 Royal Navy
 Temporary Exhibts
 Valentino Castle